Group Terms & Conditions
As you read through these terms & conditions please don't feel offended by the strictness of them, they are in place to keep Gannel View up to the standard we advertise it. Please appreciate that groups of all types use the house & we need to have these terms & conditions to cover all eventualities. Please read carefully before signing this agreement, thank you.
This is an additional contract for young groups, singles, Hen & Stag Parties. It is a supplement to the original contract & in no way seeks to replace it, it is an add on for our reassurance & to make it clear how we expect the house to be looked after & left at the end of your holiday.
The agreed house keeping bond must be transferred into our bank account or paid by cheque at least 2 weeks before you arrive. This will be £50 per person or a minimum of £500 per booking.
You are expected to leave the house in the same clean and tidy condition as when you started your holiday. There will be a 'charge' for losses, breakages and if required any 'extra' cleaning and your 'good Housekeeping' refundable bond will be adjusted accordingly.
Please note that we do not expect to be cleaning vomit form toilets, off walls, carpet, bedding or anything else, if you wish to party in this way please book a bunk house in town.
If damage/loss exceed the bond, you will be charged for the difference. Providing there is no damage to the property the bond will be refunded 2 days after departure by cheque that will be sent to your home address.
Please be aware that this is a primarily residential area & whilst we want you to enjoy your stay and use the garden we ask you to respect the neighbours & also be aware that noise late at night may result in complaints. Behaviour of guests shall not be excessive or rowdy, especially at night.
The neighbours WILL call us if they are disturbed & may even call the police, please remember this.
T.V.s, radios etc or any other musical instruments must not be played in such a manner as to annoy neighbours.
Please also note that the proprietors reserve the right to refuse accommodation, and any person/s whose behaviour interferes with the comfort and enjoyment of neighbours or other tenants, or is deemed unacceptable by the proprietors, may be required to leave without refund.
The number of guests permitted to stay at Gannel View shall not exceed the agreed occupancy as stated on the Guest list.
Please note that the owners live near by & by signing this agreement you also agree to them coming to Gannel View at any time to check that the accommodation is being looked after & respected.
Thank you for taking the time to read this, we hope that you understand our need to have this in place to protect our accommodation and to help you understand the standard we expect the house to be kept & left in. have a great holiday at Gannel View. regards Paul & Trina Squance